Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Results cam out~

Ou....tis few dayss all the teacher marked the paper and gav it to us lo~
my results juz moderate onli..if in A4 tis cls...
still hav many ppl's results very geng mia~~huiyo...cnt fight v them de..
all take 70++ or 80++ de...their average sure very high
my Bm results owes so bad...nvr pass it b4..tis time jz 50..huiyo
Cn i get A in my SPM??still question marksss...???????
And our Eng teacher din mark our paper yet....yor~
Beh guai eh...she Lady Gaga for her concert din hav enuf time to mark it lo..
hope she fas fas fnsh marking her paper and giv it to us lar...scare abt my eng esei lo..
my writing skill very bad...bad like a dog(learning Zyrex)...den i also din hav any Eng ttn wor... any suggestion which cn improving my Eng(vocabulary,grammar,writing skill..etc) without ttn ma?? to slp lo~bye^^


  1. speak, practice, hear, look and speak more!!

  2. hm...angmor book..kk..i will try to read..haha
    wa..kk..daniel's advice very tats true lar..hahah..thx lar~^^
