Monday, March 15, 2010

Alice in Wonderland~

i'm lovin it~~tis movie damn nice~very very very love it~Tim Burton the best~
juz watched it v cheaze them...i plan to watch it at Gurney GSC..cuz there hav 3D
i thk watch this in 3D sure more interesting~
I luv every character in this movie including the BAD RED QUEEN~xD

tis Mia Alice in this movie~
i reali thk tat she very suitable for this character..
cuz she hav sum feel tat diff v other female artists...nt showy..
like the director,Tim Burton say..he say 'It’s just a simple kind of power to her that we really liked.' they choosed her..
bt her photo in the newspaper nt reali nice..after watching tis movie.i feel she quite gud looking lar~~~
i like the dress tat Red Queen let her wear..many love~nice dress~
she owes chged her size in the moive..
so director try to shoot it v diff angle to achieve this effect.
bt nt use the computer technique to chg its size..

Johnny Depp~as a Mad Hatter..he owes like to act suck kind of character..
his eyes and skin around his eyes will chg in colour when his feeling chg..
so he muz owes make up to make out the effect..haha
he say except the Jack Sparrow in Pirates of Carribean..this character is the most fun to act
Mad Hatter reali mad(sumtime)..abo y he call Mad Hatter=.=..
he danced at the end of the movie..the dance tat he danced--Futterwacken..quite weird..seems a kind of popping..

tah dah~~the Red Queen by Helena Bonham Carter,wife of the director~
her head was 3 times of a normal ppl's head..xD..reali~ big
she every day muz use 3-4 hour to finish this make up..see her lips~a love..haha
and sure...juz the make up...nt the head...haha..head reali use the computer to increased in size
and her base of her shoe gt luv also~ppl who din wacth this movie yet..take notice of it~
her classic line in ths moive:'Off his/her head!!!'

Anne Hathaway as White Queen~..noe?the Princess Diary
her palace was so beautiful~whole white
she whole white too..dress white,skin white,hair white..etc

here is the twin~Tweedledum and Matt Lucas
they owes hav funny dialogue...cuz of the difference opinion..xD

tis the Chesire Cat...hav the ability tat can dissapear and appear..
can transparent anytime..haha..and he very like the hat of Mad Hatter~

is a mad owes talk to hiself...reali reali mad~...mad than mad hatter~

the song at the last named Alice...Arvil sang it~very high pitch bt nice~~muz go listen lar~

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