Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chinese New Year coming~

Yeah~ I'm back!
Sorry for leaving my blog for quite awhile >.<
This Tuesday going to have reunion lunch and dinner with siblings.

And of course, I had finished buying my new year clothes.
However, I always have a thought which is----they are still NOT enough for me!! =.=
Or may be I need some accessories like bag! I desire to have another bag~!
Perhaps I'm going to be a bag collector when i have a stable income which earned by myself.
Anyway, will meet cousinsss soon~ Time for chit-chat and play~ XD

Yet, this holiday of CNY seems not enough for many people.
And the point is I seems can't arrange any time to hang out v friends and dear>.<
Ok. I'm wrong. Actually I'm not the people can't arrange any time out, but my friends.
Some of them already started their study and working.
I want hang out with you all and watch movies together~!!

ok=.=. Go watch One million star !!

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