Friday, June 18, 2010

17/6/2010 Gurney Day~

ytd happy nia~
mz remember the date~haha
like his blog rite gek..
"something special happen today"..haha
ya~u right~its still fresh for me too~^^
wont forget gek..haha

We watched Toy Story 3 in din photo any photo tat we wearing tat 3D glasses..haiz
tis movie jia funny~~!!!!especially tat Mr. Potato and Buzz in Spanish mode..xD
cheaze still T.T at the end of the movie..when Andy decided to leave his toy for Barnie..huiyo
for those still nt yet watch tis movie..pls listen for my advice..tats enuf watch it 2D..the 3D glasses gt bit zo deng actually..haha

my cable still at wc's plc..cnt add photos..when i get my cable..i will update asap~haha

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