Actually I'm searching photos for Huayue's folio.
And I have to find some information from my blog-yes,MY blog.
Some important dates of CO activities have to be recalled.
This holiday is going to end soon. It seems not productive.
I've not really complete anything which I've promised to myself.
One-week holiday is not enough. -.-
It will be more busy after school reopen.
Research, Graduation photo, revision, bla bla bla.
I can't find a suitable time to hang out with you too.
I think Taman Negara trip isn't enough for us.
How wish we are in the same school.
(Shrug) We're not. Ish!
Are you sure you want to make your blog private FOREVER? I don't like the feeling.
That's the only way I can "listen" to your word from your deeper mind.Just end it here.
After I post this out, I just realize it's my first post of 2012.
I was like : "oh! What the..!"
So I'm trying to make it longer. XD
Ok. Longer. Enough -.-