Thursday, February 18, 2010

CNY hang out

yesterday hang out v whole gang of fren...though i nt reali noe sum of them..haha
they bought 4pm de we all went to sing k 1st...
seems me and cheaze sing onli...haha...
b4 sing k...we all had our lunch at sushi cheaze and me jz ate chawanmushi onli lar..haha
den go watch jor Little Big Soldier~...Lee Hom soooo smart lo~...whole face so dirty bt still so handsome~
den fnsh watching the movie...linxhen ma go popular buy reference book...huiyoh..gut lat nia..
den all walk walk walk...walk till all ppl bek to home lo..

Monday, February 1, 2010

New House~

yeah..nw blogging in my new house~~~
different feel~haha...
i thk later or when im free..i will upload some photo to here lar
photo abt new house...hehe
bt nw nt every thg move in sumtime will hav sum bu4 fang1 bian4
bt anyway~im adi in my new house and hav a new room and study room~~
hope my stuff cn arrange neatly into thier plc asap...dun bcum messy...hahaXD